312in366 Art Challenge Guidelines

More information on the Challenge can be found here Rules and Guidelines are on this post.
The basic idea is to end up with 312 pieces of art (in various stages of completion) in the 366 days of 2012.
Also check out the Facebook Page and look for @312in366 on Twitter!

Note: All photos belong to 312in366 Art Challenge unless otherwise accredited. They are not for use without prior permission from 312in366 Art Challenge or respective owners.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

First Snow of the Year

This last Thursday we had the first snow of the year. Which was practically the first snow of the Winter, considering that we've had snowflakes in the air twice since the beginning, and they didn't even stick around for more than a day. I woke up Thursday morning, and it was snowing already, and continued to snow steadily throughout the day and into the next morning. 
I guess the snow inspired me, because Day 12's drawing was of random snowmen:

The first one looks like he's out for Snowmanblood. The second....I'm not sure what she's doing? Junior's all ready for school, and doesn't look thrilled about it. The only happy snowman is the one all bundled up! Now that's a snowman after my own heart! 

The writing for Day 13 says "I went to a masquerade party in November--this is a rather poor drawing of the mask I made to wear. It has gold mesh and little sparkles on it, but how does one draw sparkles and gold with just a pencil?"
That is a good question. I'm not too unhappy with the drawing, I just wish there had been a way to show what the mask is made of. Ah well, next time I guess!

And lastly, here is another picture from Alicia. 

My sister, brother, and I took our other brother out to see The Adventures of Tin-Tin today, since tomorrow is his birthday. I thought it was a very good movie, especially for a children's movie! I loved how it was a real action film, despite being animated, and they had a rough-and-tumble hero who could shoot a gun and knock a man out. Probably not a very politically correct movie, but I don't rate movies on how PC they are. =)

Okay, I'm going to enjoy my day off tomorrow, I shall see all of you back here on Tuesday!


lee said...

I think you did a great job on the mask and the snowmen

Kathleen Maunder said...

Thanks for the sweet comment you left on my blog today. I appreciate it. I found the loveliest quote this week by Henri Matisse. 'Creativity takes courage.' I think you are brave to do this art challenge and wish you a wonderful creative journey in 2012.

Heather said...

I really like the snowmen!