312in366 Art Challenge Guidelines

More information on the Challenge can be found here Rules and Guidelines are on this post.
The basic idea is to end up with 312 pieces of art (in various stages of completion) in the 366 days of 2012.
Also check out the Facebook Page and look for @312in366 on Twitter!

Note: All photos belong to 312in366 Art Challenge unless otherwise accredited. They are not for use without prior permission from 312in366 Art Challenge or respective owners.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

"Trees and Pennies", or "Days 8 and 9"

I have discovered that now I look forward to the daily drawings, instead of dreading them! I was nervous at first that this whole project would flop, but I'm enjoying it so far. Maybe I will run out of things to draw after a while, but that'll take a while!

Day 8, I drew a tree. I'm not super-good at drawing trees, but a while back I discovered this way. No, it won't end up looking like a photograph, but you can certainly tell what the picture is of!

Day 9.

I remember finding my first wheat penny when I was 8 or 9 years old, and how cool I thought it was! That penny has long since been spent, but I've always had a few around. Now that I'm working in a store, I run across them fairly often, so I'll switch them out at the register. No, they aren't worth much. A wheat penny is supposed to be worth $0.03 due merely to its "wheatiness," but then there are a few that can be worth $0.15, or even a few hundred dollars. I have yet to run across a $100 penny, though. ;-P
Even with their lack of value, I like collecting them, and arranging them by year, and counting them. Simple pleasures, eh?

And here is a guest drawing! This is by Alicia, age 13.

Isn't that nice? I didn't know before that she was doing the Challenge. The other pictures she's shared are cute, too. =)

I'll talk with you on Thursday!

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