312in366 Art Challenge Guidelines

More information on the Challenge can be found here Rules and Guidelines are on this post.
The basic idea is to end up with 312 pieces of art (in various stages of completion) in the 366 days of 2012.
Also check out the Facebook Page and look for @312in366 on Twitter!

Note: All photos belong to 312in366 Art Challenge unless otherwise accredited. They are not for use without prior permission from 312in366 Art Challenge or respective owners.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Hippos and Evening Gowns

This first picture requires a bit of explanation. Last year, my mother found a birthday card that we all fell in love with--it was just so cute! It read:
"Hippo birdie two ewe, 
Hippo birdie two ewe, 
Hippo birdie deer ewe, 
Hippo birdie two ewe!"
and it had hippos and birds and sheep and deer on it. 'Twas adorable. And now we sing 'Hippo Birdie' on our birthdays. ;)
Sunday was my littlest brother's birthday, so that inspired me to draw this.

I'm surprised, it actually looks rather hippopotamus-like!

Today I blundered about, trying to find something to draw, and rejecting multiple suggestions. After wasting a hefty amount of time on Google Images, I found This site with a 1930's evening gown. I love 1920s-1950s styles, so drawing them is fun.

I had to draw and erase the head for the back view several times before I resigned myself to the fact that it wasn't going to work. Heads are so hard to get proportionate! So I made her a mannequin.

What do you like to use for inspiration? And what are your arch art nemeses? (Mine are people. And hands. And houses.)


P.S. In case you were wondering, I never include the day/date in my 10 minute limit. I either do it before or after, because just jotting it down is, well, boring to me, but doing it fancy takes too much time!

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