312in366 Art Challenge Guidelines

More information on the Challenge can be found here Rules and Guidelines are on this post.
The basic idea is to end up with 312 pieces of art (in various stages of completion) in the 366 days of 2012.
Also check out the Facebook Page and look for @312in366 on Twitter!

Note: All photos belong to 312in366 Art Challenge unless otherwise accredited. They are not for use without prior permission from 312in366 Art Challenge or respective owners.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Doodles, Sketches, and Butterflies

I spent a nice, long afternoon at the library on Wednesday. It's nice and quiet there, and the books are full of inspirational pictures. I didn't get anything meaningful painted this time, and I spent far more than 10 minutes on it! The red plastic Solo cup I use for rinsing my brushes in gave me an interesting study, and a nice, simple, rather Craftsman style lamp gave me another.
I used thicker paint, straight from the tube and with almost no water added for parts of both. That made them a bit different from my preferred lots-o-water style, but experimentation is fun! And I used an opaque Titanium White to add highlights, which I also rarely do. (No, I'm not always the most adventurous with my art! I like to play it safe and not accidentally ruin a painting on the last step!)
I'm sorry there are no pictures of these sketches to accompany this post! I'll get them up in the next one, though. In the meantime, would you like to see one of my older pieces?

This was my final project for a Pen-and-Watercolor class I took from Kathleen D'Angelo back in Fall 2009. Unfortunately, I did not think it through, and wen ahead and inked in the legs and feet before painting the grass! =P Except for that, I'm pleased with the painting.

And now, I've posted this and realized that I forgot about the butterflies! No, I haven't drawn any lately, they're all in my stomach and my mind. Some of the time I get all gung-ho about this Challenge project, and then the next day I think oh my goodness, what have I done? I'm going to have to actually do this! Do I really have time?
Yes, I think that time'll be fine. 10 minutes a day can't be that hard! I'll read my (beloved) books for 10 minutes less, and draw in the spare time, or else skip half a TV show. Won't be that hard.
Be still, Butterflies, before I get out a wee little tranquilizer gun and shoot you!


Ella said...

Awesome picture.
I wish my drawings could be so detailed.

Miss Laura said...

Thanks, Ella. =)
